1. What is your title and role within the Bellefonte Project?
Director of Business Development and Senior Project Manager As Senior Project Manager, I will lead an integrated team of Healthcare professionals to deliver the project in a timely manner by utilizing project management systems and ideals.
2. As someone who is from the Russell area, why is this project personal to you?
Growing up in Russell/Flatwoods, I have seen first-hand the impact of large entities moving away from the area and the economic consequences that followed. That impact, coupled with the devastating drug epidemic that has swept the area, has left a major void that needed a solution. Being affected by both drug addiction personally, and being from Russell/Flatwoods, this project will help play a small part in filling that void.
3. What will make this project unique?
From the very beginning, I knew that this project was going to be special. The comprehensive and diversification of the services that will be offered on the campus, in my opinion, will be one of a kind. We will be able to offer the full continuum of behavioral health services starting with inpatient psychiatric, chemical dependency, residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient services all on one campus. This campus will be special.
4. Update us on the renovation progress. How is it going?
Currently, crews are working in the main hospital, the intake/exit building, and the Behavioral Health Unit. We are currently in the demolition stage and are on pace with the renovation schedule. Growing up in the area, I was treated once or twice at the main hospital. Seeing the renovation taking place in real time is bittersweet.
5. What excited you most about this project?
Being able to bring the program that saved my life to the area I grew up in. I know that there are so many families in and around this area that have been devastated by addiction. I am grateful that my family found ARC for me and hope others are able to take advantage of this amazing program.

Matthew Bradley
Matt Bradley is ARC's Director of Business Development and Senior Project Manager. He grew up in Greenup County where he attended high school. During those years a sports injury led doctors to prescribe Matt opiates. Matt would become addicted and battle the disease for the next 12 years of his life. In 2017, his parents discovered Addiction Recovery Care after several failed attempts at treatment. Several months later, Matt graduated ARC's program and was offered a full-time job. Since then he's earn a bachelor's degree and worked his way into his current role with ARC. Matt will celebrate 6 years in recovery later this year.